As foreign parents, we visited a number of preschools in Södermalm. There are ones that have soft lighting and the in-house cook, but the rapport which the staff here have with the children and the general energy and joy of the kids themselves is hard to beat. The environment is very bright, the spaces very welcoming, and the effect of going there on our child has been immeasurably positive. The school also has its own private outside space, unlike many others, and looks out on a wide open park-area. The only reason I don't score everything a 5, is because we started in winter, so we haven't seen it all year round.
SchoolParrot är en omdömesida för skolor. Vi är ett företag som vill verka för mer transparens inom skola. Vår plattform är öppen för alla användare. Läs mer om SchoolParrot och företaget
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